My flickr thing #5&6 These are pics from my branch
gizzisandra's items Go to gizzisandra's photostream

Gemini Clock


Annual Occasion Countdown Clock

my family

Thing #15-On Library2.0& Web 2.0

This one created alot of confusion for me. I felt like I was walking in circles trying to figure it out.No matter how many times I read all the info on this one it just wasn't sinking in. I guess it's like a web that gets bigger with all the info that is put together. From what I got out of seems one can gather info from all sorts of avenues using Library 2.0. I guess I would have to spend lots of time learning all there is to learn to benefit from it.

Being a new user to all of this how am I doing?

About Me

My photo
I enjoy wild life photography ...nothing like a huge turkey buzzard on a quiet lake! Stay tuned for pics...